Everyday Dress and the Reconstruction of Early Modern Material Culture, 1550–1650. Submissions deadline 3 April 2020

Early Career Researchers – Lightning Talks 

Everyday Dress and the Reconstruction of Early Modern Material Culture, 1550–1650


Refashioning the Renaissance Conference


10-13 September, 2020

Aalto University, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland


Funded by the European Research Council (ERC)


The Refashioning the Renaissance project team is seeking early career researchers whose research combines material-based methods and/or hands-on experimentation with historical research of dress and textiles to give five-minute 'lightning talks' during our conference. The lightning talks will be given on the second day of the conference, Saturday 12 September 2020, though presenters are welcome and encouraged to attend panels over both days, and the program can be viewed at: http://refashioningrenaissance.eu/conference/


There are a limited number of travel bursaries available to lightning talk-presenters for travel and accommodation costs.

To be considered, please send an abstract of 150 words or less outlining your research topic, including questions and methodology, as well as short biography of 50 words or less to Michele Robinson (michele.robinson@aalto.fi) by Friday 3 April 2020.