Sensory Fashion: Roundtable

On Wednesday December 9, Sara Chong Kwan (LCF) will be in online conversation with Danielle Bruggemen (Professor of Fashion at ArtEZ University of the Arts, NL), Otto von Busch (Parsons, NYC) and Mila Burcikova (LCF Centre for Sustainable Fashion) discussing emerging research that prioritises sensory engagement with clothing.

Hosted by the Fashion Design and Visual Arts Practice Research Hub, this roundtable discussion poses a challenge to the visual nature of fashion and its representations, exploring sensorial approaches to researching design, production and consumption of fashion; and the embodied, social cultural and political implications of this.Please join us on Wednesday December 9 at 5:30pm (UK Time). The link to access the talk will be sent to you via email before the event.

To register please visit:

fashionresearch network